Audio & Music Production


“Lyrics are only half the battle…”

We compose with a pen or a keyboard, but we also compose with instruments such as guitars, synths, and drums. From ball-point to bass drum, we do it all.


“It’s not just about the sound, it’s also about the emotion.”

An in-house recording studio for vocals, instrumentals, voice overs, and mixing. A bedroom or closet is great, but a sound-treated studio makes for a cleaner, clearer audio recording.

 Mixing & Mastering

“What separates the great from the good.”

Mixing is a vital step in the music production process that includes leveling tracks, processing instruments and vocals, and setting the overall sound and vibe.

Mastering is the “cherry on top,” the final step that brings to your audio a commercial shine and shimmer and configures the audio volume to a competitive level for streaming services such as YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music, and more.

 Example Tracks