Video & Film Production


“An idea is great, but it’s even better on paper.”

Of course, mostly everything is digital around here, but the word “paper” just sounded better. A script, whether digital or not, is an excellent measure to more clearly and concisely convey your message. Don’t worry though, if you give us the details, we can fill in the blanks.


“Honesty is policy.”

The director is the first pair of eyes on the set. Honest feedback and open instructions create for a swifter, smoother filming process. Fewer mistakes, fewer takes.


“Don’t ‘fix it in post,’ just get it right the first time.”

With commercial-grade cameras and production equipment, shooting your next video in cinematic 4K can not only increase the image quality of your footage, but also the confidence that your audience has for your ideas, products, services, companies, and/or various video projects.


“The magic is in the editing.”

Film is just a pile of slides, or a folder of digital files in our case, until they’ve been woven together in an artistic manner to create a visual motion picture. The magic may be in the editing, but you, however, are the magician, so “bibbidi-bobbidi-boo.”

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